Ogden Utah Temple | A snowy sealing for Alec + Taylor

Are you ready to see the most magical, snowy temple sealing? We arrived at the Ogden Utah Temple for Alec and Taylor’s sealing and the most magical blizzard came. In all my years as a Utah wedding photographer I have yet to photograph a wedding during a blizzard. The way the snow fell created the most beautiful images that I have yet to experience since. I have loved getting to know Alec and Taylor and their sweet families and am so grateful they trusted me to capture so many incredible moments for them.

Anytime I talk with winter brides about the potential of snow, I always remind my brides about the possibility of snow. Then I always recommend that regardless of what the weather does, to trust me. Alec and Taylor trusted me, and that as cold and wet as it was, would be totally worth it. Not to mention how beautiful the ogden utah temple looked through the whole thing.


Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor Ogden utah temple | A snowy sealing for Alec and Taylor


